IAA Transport™ Vehicle Delivery

Get vehicle delivery in the U.S. and to select international countries with IAA Transport™. Coordinate delivery online with no hidden fees and get real-time status updates. Just calculate a delivery quote before completing your purchase, pay for your vehicle online, and we'll do the rest.

How to Use IAA Transport

IAA Transport Delivery Location Information

IAA delivers to any residential or business location within the continental U.S. and specific international markets.

  • Europe - Door-to-Door Service

    • Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Poland Republic, Slovakia

  • North America

    • U.S. – Door-to-Door Service

For international deliveries: Please be aware that ancillary fees may be charged at the port of entry associated with port storage, duties, taxes or other customs requirements. These ancillary fees are outside of IAA’s control and are mandated by state and federal entities.

For port deliveries: Buyers transporting to a port with a final destination in a country currently not supported by IAA Transport will need to provide IAA Transport a Dock Receipt at the time of order. Dock Receipts should be emailed to IAATransport@iaai.com.

Want to speak with our IAA Transport team?
Toll Free:
(855) 694-7502
Outside the U.S.:
(708) 572-0586

Visit our IAA Transport FAQ Page

Auto Tow Service - Streamline the Process

If your desired drop-off location is within a branch’s local service territory, you’re eligible for our convenient and efficient Auto Tow service. Auto Tow coordinates your door-to-door IAA Transport delivery to your preferred location automatically. Simply add Auto Tow to your account by calling 855.694.7502 or emailing iaatransport@iaai.com and you'll receive each purchased vehicle at the same location once activated. It's the most efficient way to transport your vehicles locally.

Interested in Becoming an IAA Transporter?

We’re always looking for reliable towing partners.

Join the IAA Tow Network